I’m not a huge fan of social media. The constant noise, endless opinions, and curated perfection can feel more exhausting than inspiring. That’s why I typically only post when I have something specific to share or promote. But today, I want to break that rule for a moment. I want to acknowledge something that has been on my heart: despite the monsters I have known, despite the chaos we often see online and in the world, I genuinely believe that most people are good.

Not perfect. Not without flaws. But good.

In my experience, when you strip away the layers of fear, anger, and defensiveness, you find people who are loving, compassionate, and deeply hopeful. People who want the world to be better—not just for themselves, but for everyone. I’ve seen it in the small acts of kindness that never make headlines: the stranger who offers a hand when someone stumbles, the neighbor who quietly checks in, the countless unseen efforts of those who simply try to leave their corner of the world better than they found it.

Goodness matters. In a time when cynicism can feel like the default, it’s worth pausing to appreciate the quiet courage of compassion. It takes strength to be kind in a world that often feels chaotic. It takes hope to believe in people when you’ve seen the worst of them.

If you’re one of those people—one of the countless souls out there striving, in your own small or big way, to make this world a little brighter—thank you. It matters more than you might realize. You matter more than you might realize.

Sometimes, in the noise and negativity, it’s easy to feel like the good gets drowned out. But I promise, it doesn’t. It ripples outward. It changes things. It inspires others to be better. So please, keep showing up with your compassion, your kindness, and your hope.

The world needs it. The world needs you.

Thank you for being one of the good ones.